Play any instruments?: Cello, but I want to learn to play the electric bass.
Best band of all time?: The Beatles. There will never be anyone who can make music as amazing as the Fab Four.
Favorite music genres?: Rock (classic, like The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, and Aerosmith), pop (but not Disney pop. *barf*), and alternative.
Favorite bands?: Everything from Linkin Park to Selena Gomez (it's embarrassing, but only some songs, and I'm aware of how autotuned she is)
Current song obsession?: Believe. I know it was last week's song of the week but I love it.
Best female singer of all time?: Amy Lee from Evanescence without a doubt.
Best male singer(s) of all time?: Paul McCartney (my favorite Beatle) and John Lennon.
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