Sunday, July 18, 2010

My Urge To Type

I'm aware that I already posted today, but I just had an uncontrollable urge to speak my mind online. I couldn't really express myself in the first post. To me, first posts are just annoying. In your first post, you have a lot of explaining to do. You are forced to think "What is this all about?" and "What do I say?". But after it's done, you are free to unleash your thoughts. Why can't we just skip to the second post? It would most certainly lower the level of awkwardness when blogging.
Something else that annoys me is when people misspell words in their posts. Recently, I was reading a blog that will not be named, and I couldn't even read the whole post because I guess the writer was a little "to" lazy to proofread their work. I mean really, that's just common sense. I bet you guys would be annoyed if I talked like that. Let's try it out.
Sow today I didn't due vary much. I whas tyerd, becus my cusin slept over and we staid up layte. I allso had too go two church and it whas hawt in their becus the ayer condishoning whasn't wurking. Butt I am vary excyted too start my blog today and I am vary prowd two share my grate spelling skills and my creeative ryting whith everywahn!
I bet you couldn't read the whole story before slamming your fists on the desk in anger and closing the site. Well, at least that's how I felt. My biggest pet peeve (definition from, in case you don't know what that means: noun- a particular and often continual annoyance) by far is when people misspell simple words. Not everyone can spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (I can!), but using the right form of to, two, and too is something you learn in kindergarten (I doubt kindergarteners are blogging, but if you are a kindergartener, please comment and prove the previous statement wrong!)! You heard what my biggest pet peeve is, so comment and answer the following question: What is your biggest pet peeve?
Au revoir,


  1. when people steal my idea or copy me! or when people brag! oh god that's the worst!
