Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Writer's Block

I never thought it would happen to me, but for the past two days I have been experiencing some serious writer's block. It's not just a small block, either. My writer's block is the size of King Kong and his sole intent is to stop all creative thoughts from entering my mind. To make matters worse, I just read all my friends' blogs, and of course they all seem better than mine. I mean, they're writing college essays for their posts and my posts are written just how I would say them in real life. What's up with that? Why don't I have amazing creative writing skills? But whatever, as I said before my goal is not to impress, and this is solely a place for me; whether you love it or hate it. Wait, what was this post about again? Oh, that's right, my writer's block. Well, here's how you can help me out. I'm posting a poll in the sidebar and all YOU have to do is click on the topic you'd like me to write about and click 'Vote'. That's it. Doesn't that sound simple? I must be off to update the other pages and create the poll.

1 comment:

  1. I hate writers block! It sucks so badly! hahaha
