Wednesday, July 28, 2010

music, MUSIC, music

What is it? Just a pattern of sounds that is pleasing to the ear? Or is it something more? Whatever music is, I love it. My iPod is my best friend. I actually have to buy a new one because I ran out of space on my Nano (which I love dearly, but the time has come to give it away). This post is to tell you about some of my musical obsessions and your job is to comment and tell me about yours.

Play any instruments?: Cello, but I want to learn to play the electric bass.

Best band of all time?: The Beatles. There will never be anyone who can make music as amazing as the Fab Four.

Favorite music genres?: Rock (classic, like The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, and Aerosmith), pop (but not Disney pop. *barf*), and alternative.

Favorite bands?: Everything from Linkin Park to Selena Gomez (it's embarrassing, but only some songs, and I'm aware of how autotuned she is)

Current song obsession?: Believe. I know it was last week's song of the week but I love it.

Best female singer of all time?: Amy Lee from Evanescence without a doubt.

Best male singer(s) of all time?: Paul McCartney (my favorite Beatle) and John Lennon.

Share your musical obsessions here!

Do widzenia, do zobaczenia,

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